#spooky month dexter erotoph
harperonni · 2 months
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I’m enchanted by his rizzless loser ways
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birbs89 · 3 months
cool things and interesting stuff I saw in the new spooky month episode and just me obsessing over it lol
WARNING!: major spoilers for the new spooky month episode
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I really liked Father Gregor because honestly his design is cool in my opinion and I liked that even though he's a priest who in other shows I've seen are almost always made as good and flawless people but in spooky month Father Gregor still has his flaws especial his flaw with how fast he went to blaming Skid and Pump for being the ones who caused Moloch to be freed (there kinda at fault but c'mon their kids)
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also Moloch has to have my FAVORITE design for a demon I've seen in media I love how he has the hooves like one's that goats have since how much goats are associated with demons, I adore the furnace type of thing seen on his stomach, and I like how his hands and claws look
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and also because Moloch created in my personal the funniest scene in the episode when he panics when his name is revealed to Father Gregor by Pump
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also some things about Moloch possession it seems that he can just posses anyone he decides to posses and that he can also posses and control multiple people at a time and when he is not possessing a body he is either in his demon form or in a liquid form
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final thing about Moloch is that I kinda feel bad for him for some reason (I think it's just because of how sad Skid and Pump were when seeing that Father Gregor killed him)
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also feel incredibly bad for Dexters mom poor girl had to experience the loss of her son and then be lured and killed by the same demon who was the reason her son died
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also can we PLEASE give Lila a break poor girl is going through actual hell
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Pumps eyes seem to only be blue when he's in a very dark area
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and I think from the implications and things Father Gregor said I think Skids father is dead maybe dying sometime when he was in the cult
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love how Ignacio just without a second thought shoots Moloch and I think the scene is a reference to Silent Night, Deadly Night 2 specificality the Garbage Day scene since he shoots Moloch right after putting down a garbage can
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also speaking of Ignacio I think he might have been an ex cult member since the picture frame where he's holding the birthday cake I think that might be Skids dad also holding the cake with him and if he is a ex cult member it explains why he's boarded up and barricaded his house since they might have tried to kill him in the past
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father of the year award goes to John (also Jack) because of how caring this man is to comforting Skid and Pump when they start thinking they aren't good enough and are a problem to their parents and of how much a good father he was to his daughter
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love every scene we got with Patty during this episode (also she's very pretty :])
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also thought this guy with the briefcase was a reference to Doug from the Fnaf movie lol
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also it's revealed in the ending of the episode seen on the NewGrounds version of the episode that the two thief's and the Candy Dealer are apart of the cult so I guess I was right about them having something to do with the cult in my theory
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also we get to see the spider monster we saw in a sketch Sr Pelo posted (can't find and if I did couldn't add it since image limit:[) I think it might be the main villain of the next episode and It seems to be in some way connected with the mannequin/Skids dad from the mannequin theory (if it's cannon idk) since at the end of the episode the spider picks the mannequin up and looks at it
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we get to see the The Eyes of the Universe in this episode and I was right in my theory that he was located under the cults mansion since we see the cultist take Father Gregor their to be sacrificed in the end of the episode
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also Roy seems to be losing it at this point
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aclockworkbell · 2 months
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thebekashow · 3 months
Back to reality
cw: bloody nose and possible trauma
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sometimes, a simple familiar voice is all you need..
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tickledspookily · 8 months
Tickletober Day 20: Cursed
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Dex was already deathly ticklish to begin with, but if anything the doll is worse because it’s designed for children!
and he still hasn’t learned his lesson about the pillow-
Edit: Credit to @eunchancorner for the inspiration! (Because without their help I may have actually skipped doing today because I had no ideas-)
(I need to practice posing more...)
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mikeythebikey · 2 years
🧪 dexter erotoph 🧪
i have been OBSESSED with this man recently
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"Dexter the Exterminator at your service!"
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((This entire post past this point is ooc))
You don't want to accidentally click on a creaky post and scare a spoiler out of his hiding place causing you see one when you're unprepared,do you?
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Blog info:
•This is a spooky month ask/rp blog for the character Dexter.
•Alot of this blog will be headcanon do to the fact we know very little about Dexter.
•This blog shares a continuity/universe as @father-gregors-guidance , @alicethescenequeen , @irritated-incendiary , @uneasy-itto ,and @the-prophet-of-the-universe
•No discrimination of any kind.No pedophila,zionism,proshippers/comshippers,etc.This will not be permitted whatsoever.
•Ships are fine just it would take a while and you should let me know before hand,there is a chance i will say no however so keep that in mind.no incest,or pedophilic ships.
•only really mild inappropriate asks and actions allowed.more mild for actions I'm not realy comfortable role-playing that type of stuff so keep it very mild.
•You can have ocs related to the Dexter,just ask me if it's ok before hand,but keep in mind there is a chance I'll say no.
•Interactions from other ask/rp blogs canon characters or otherwise is allowed and highly encouraged.
•M!As are allowed,just don't go to far!
Rules are subject to be added in the future.
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How I will rp:
Dialouge will be like this 👇
"Placeholder dialouge."
Actions and descriptions will be like this 👇
*placeholder action/description*
-mod/ooc text will be like: ((ooc:this)),((this)),((ooc:this)),((this)),(ooc:this),(this),(ooc:this),(this),ooc:this,ooc:this,or this.
All mod/ooc text will be in pink
All Dexter dialouge will be in orange
All Dexter actions/descriptions will be in green
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Mod/Mun info:
My name is Luigi/Willard/Jonesy,you can call me either of these things,or just mod,that's fine too.
My name blog is @jonesy-squish .
My other blogs are: @irritated-incendiary , @uneasy-itto , and @the-prophet-of-the-universe
My friends blogs are: @blood-guts-goreeee , @father-gregors-guidance ,and @xachanimations
You can find more info about me here
If you need anything or want to ask a question to me about this blog or in general don't fear to send an ask or a message to my main blog or this one.
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•Ask box will always be open unless I see a reason for it to be closed
•I'll also post my art,heacanons,and whatnot of Dexter here,not all will be canon to the blog,but most will.Posts will be marked as not canon to the blog when applicable.
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galexis-void · 8 months
"Giddy Giggly Ghost"
A/N: This took longer than I would've liked, but I hope y'all enjoy anyways.
This fic is based off of the Spooky Month: Tragic End AU, originally by @eunchancorner. Thanks for letting me write for your AU! =)
Summary: Dexter's having one of many "lows" thanks to their current situation, but then Skid discovers a very fun way to cheer them up.
Trigger warnings: angst, mentions of death
Reminder: These stories are not built on logic. They're made to entertain, not to make sense. Also, be prepared if the characters here are out of character completely (again, the intention is not to be perfect).
All credit goes to @eunchancorner for their AU!
(fic below the cut)
     The sun had painted the sky pink and orange, but now the moon was rising and the sky was turning over to its usual ink-black void. The stars glittered like diamonds far in the distance, watching over the town with its stern focus.
     Unfortunately, the stillness of the evening did little to help Dexter’s throbbing anger.
     Their emotions had fluctuated over the last few days, ranging from them wanting to burn the house down to them wanting to curl up in a ball and cry until they disintegrated. Either way, they weren’t okay.
     How had everything gone badly in such a short time? The leader of the group they’d tried to join hadn’t just stopped at rejecting them - he had decided that just knowing about the group’s existence warranted a death sentence. That memory was still painfully clear in Dexter’s head - they’d fled to the roof of the highest building in town, an unorthodox safe space they’d used over the years, feeling particularly sorry for themselves. They’d barely heard the sound of someone coming up behind them before they were trying to stand up…
     …and subsequently experiencing a mild free-fall for about ten stories until they’d met the pavement. Thankfully, they hadn’t suffered for very long.
     The quiet creaking of the stairs snapped them out of their brief trip down memory lane. Sometimes, Dexter would forget they weren’t alone in this house. This particular house belonged to a young woman and her nightmarishly hyperactive son. Ever since Dexter’s unfortunate “accidental” fall, they’d found refuge with the boy.
     How that happened was actually pretty crazy. For the first little while, they’d been so confused about what had happened. Once the realization hit, so did the rage and vengeful feelings, but those had been briefly quelled when Dexter had stumbled across the group leader’s son.
     Or, to be more specific, the leader’s son had found them first.
     Dexter had been trying to come up with an elaborate and notably anger-fueled revenge scheme, before some kids on the street had tried to strike up conversation by telling them it was “Spooky Month”. First came the shock of realizing that the kids could see them even though they were not alive, and next thing they knew, the kids had convinced them to follow them. They had listened to the kids on a whim, and followed them to one of their houses. The pictures around said house delivered yet another hard truth to Dexter - they’d been picked up by the son of the man who had had them… taken care of.
     Some may say this was bad luck, others may say this was good fortune. For Dexter, it had been the former first, but then the latter later on. If they were going to stick to their original plan of getting revenge against the kid’s dad, then staying close to the kid may prove beneficial. You may say this is insensitive, given that the boy genuinely saw Dexter as a friend, but try to consider Dexter’s position.
     Moving on, Dexter had actually gotten a bit attached to the boy. They hardly left the house, even when the boy would. They’d always have to give some sort of excuse when the kid asked them to come with him and his friend. The kid wouldn’t really like their answer, but would accept it anyway and leave them alone. Most of this “downtime” would be spent either being angry or trying to figure out the best way to show the boy’s father exactly why screwing around with Dexter Erotoph was the worst mistake he’d ever make.
     But there was no time for anger anymore, now that the boy was home. Dexter still didn’t know the boy’s real name, if he had one. The child had referred to himself as Skid on more than one occasion, but Dexter highly doubted that was his real name... again, if he even had one. And the boy’s mother wasn’t much help either - she’d only refer to him as “son”.
     That was something else - Skid’s mother. Dexter’s saving grace was that the leader’s wife hadn’t been able to see them - she’d simply assumed that Skid was making things up when he’d told her about them. Under normal circumstances Dexter would’ve been offended, but now they felt nothing but relief. Her ignorance of their existence would make it easier to stay hidden.
     “Hi Dexter!” came the cheerful voice. “Look at all the candy I got! Do you see how much I have??”
     Dexter sighed. “That’s nice, Skid.”
     A beat of silence. “Are you okay?”
     How were they supposed to respond to that? Skid didn’t seem too bothered by the fact that his new friend was a ghost, but Dexter knew it’d break the kid’s heart if he found out how Dexter got to be that way. They’d deliberately neglected to tell him their story, and they weren’t going to start now.
     Instead, they said, “I’m not having a good day.”
     “You’re too young for that conversation. Just trust me. Okay?”
     Skid folded his arms with a pouty look. “I still wanna know.”
     “Let’s just say… don’t piss off cult leaders. Okay, kid?”
     Skid huffed in childish annoyance, but didn’t question them further. “Okay.”
     Dexter returned their gaze to the endless night sky. Whenever they’d stargaze, they were always overcome by the unsettling feeling that something out there was watching them…
     “Do you want some candy? That usually helps me feel better when I’m sad.”
     Once again, Skid’s voice caught their attention. Dexter turned their head over their shoulder to see Skid holding out a piece of candy to them. The gesture was sweet, even though Dexter couldn’t actually take him up on it.
     “I’d love some, but in case you’ve forgotten, I’m dead. I can’t eat.”
     “…oh. Sorry.”
     As Dexter glanced out the window once more, they felt something pass through their shoulder. The sudden contact was accompanied by a very strong - and very familiar - sensation, which made them squeal loudly.
     Another beat of silence. Probably with a spooked look on their face, Dexter once more glanced back at Skid, who looked surprised. The boy had his hand held out, a few inches from Dexter’s shoulder.
     Had he…?
     “Did I hurt you?” Skid questioned meekly.
     “N-no, not at all! I’m fine. It just kind of ti-” Dexter quickly caught themselves before they spoke. That was close. They’d almost admitted something embarrassing to a kid they hardly knew.
     Suddenly they shrieked again, cutting themselves off with a snort. Skid had curiously poked a finger into their ribs, once again passing right through them, and bringing about that ridiculous sensation.
     Skid giggled delightedly. “You’re ticklish? I didn’t know ghosts could be ticklish!”
     It seemed that even in death, Dexter couldn’t escape being tickled. It didn’t happen often in their previous life, but when it did, it was bad. They’d shriek and squeal their hearts out, and don’t even get them started on how much they’d snort. But now, even as a ghost, they were still cursed with being deathly ticklish.
     Skid reached for their sides, and Dexter didn’t bother trying to stop him. As that tingly feeling took hold, it seemed like Dexter’s ebbing rage just miraculously melted away. There weren't any thoughts of revenge, no roller coasters of emotions - just laughter. Nothing but genuine, happy laughter.
     After a few minutes, they sank to the floor, giggling to themselves while Skid stood above them. “I’ll have to remember that for the next time you have a bad day!”
     The doorbell rang downstairs. Skid grinned. “I forgot - Pump went home to drop off his candy but he wanted to come over and play. I’ll have to tell him all about your tickle spots!”
     “W-wait!” Dexter called after him as he ran downstairs. “Don’t-”
     But Skid was already gone. What could Dexter do to stop him anyways? It wasn’t like they wanted to. It felt nice to not be bitter for once.
     Being a ghost wasn’t great, but maybe it wouldn’t be so bad anymore.
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vellichorom · 3 months
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you know what it's time to spookypost;
HERE'S things i drew a YEAR & some change ago, these little solid caricature tributes that PERHAPS i'll someday polish up & make as charms???? who KNOWS
for now though !!!!! take them, i still like these a lot
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spooky-month-archive · 3 months
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harperonni · 2 months
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And that’s how I met your mother
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doxxed0367 · 2 months
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Found out abt ratqueen and immediately drew the only thing i could think of
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yumespooki · 3 months
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thebekashow · 3 months
Cw: self harm scars
Not a beach ready body?
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This man can't afford to get it removed/silly
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tickledspookily · 8 months
Tickletober Day 18: Spiderweb
TW: spiders
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The exterminator’s comeuppance has arrived, and the bugs want revenge!
Or perhaps they’re just curious. The suit really does not seem to help...
(Originally I wanted to add the big spider but I could not draw it for the life of me)
(Also, does anyone have any idea how he got tangled up like this? I’d like to know what you guys think, optional of course)
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mikeythebikey · 1 year
dexter in the silly bunny hat ! the original idea is from @/Sc3n3c0r3M4n715 on twitter !
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